2008/5/8 11:19:45     来源:智联招聘     作者/编辑:1
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公司行业: 交通/运输/物流
公司类型: 外商独资
公司规模: 1000-9999人


  FedEx is one of the world''s largest express transportation company, providing fast and reliable delivery service to 220 countries.
Our success in the industry is attributed to our people. We have a work environment that encourages employees to become innovative in delivering the highest possible quality of service to our customers. We care for our employee''s well-being and value their contribution to the company. These efforts stem from our commitment to our People-Service-Profit corporate philosophy.

    We are looking for people who want to be a part of this winning team, positive, committed and always prepared to go above and beyond the call of duty to deliver exemplary service to our customers. Join the team to grow the world''s largest express company in China!


    我们期待那些有志成为成功团队一员,工作态度主动积极、具有奉献精神的人士加盟联邦快递,并致力于为我们的客户提供超值卓越的服务。 加入联邦快递,与这个世界上最大的快递企业在中国共同发展!



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  • 共建单位:浙江省现代物流发展联席会议办公室   浙江省仓储行业协会   
    浙江物流网 版权所有2003-2015 浙ICP备05027747号-1    浙公网安备 33010302000575
    物流服务热线:400-8866-156 本站已支持IPv6访问